Sustainable Marketing Glossary

Ebooks are electronic books, intended to be read on devices like e-readers (e.g., Amazon’s Kindle), smartphones, tablets, laptops, or even desktop computers if desired. Ebooks are available in different formats, most commonly PDF, EPUB, or MOBI. They contain text, images, and—a potential improvement over hard copy books—hyperlinks to websites. Ebooks can be purchased or given away for free.

An editorial calendar is a publishing schedule designed to help businesses pursuing content marketing to plan out the current and future distribution of their created content, which might include blog posts, videos, podcasts, email newsletters, or even pre-planned updates on social media platforms like Facebook. Using this method, businesses are better able to prioritize their planned content to follow the most effective content strategy.

An email drip campaign is a method of “nurturing” the members of an email marketing with the ultimate goal of converting them into a customer. Drip campaigns involve sending information and content to prospects over a longer period of time (typically weeks or months) which has been designed to build product/service recognition, rapport, and trust—hence the concept of nurturing.

Email marketing is the process by which a business or organization advertises via email. Very different from so-called “spam email,” legitimate email marketing usually requires recipients to opt-in (i.e., the people receiving the emails have indicated that they want to receive them).

Branding Design

Branding Design Services - Diggles Creative

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Our branding design services will help increase your company recognition so people think of you instead of your competitors.

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